
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

* Indicates equal contribution.

In the Pipeline

  1. Asiaee*, A., Abrams*, Z. B., Nakayiza, S., Sampath, D., & Coombes, K. R. (2019). Identification and comparison of genes differentially regulated by transcription factors and miRNAs.
  2. Asiaee, A., Oymak, S., Coombes, K. R., & Banerjee, A. High Dimensional Data Enrichment: Interpretable, Fast, and Data-Efficient. Under Review In.
  3. Abrams, Z. B., Joglekar, A., Gershkowitz, G. R., Sinicropiyao, S., Asiaee, A., Carbone, D. P., & Coombes, K. R. Personalized Transcriptomics: Selecting Drugs Based on Gene Expression Profiles. Under Review.


  1. Asiaee*, A., Abrams*, Z. B., Nakayiza, S., Sampath, D., & Coombes, K. R. (2020). Explaining Gene Expression Using Twenty-One MicroRNAs. Journal of Computational Biology, Forthcoming.


  1. Asiaee*, A., Abrams*, Z. B., Nakayiza, S., Sampath, D., & Coombes, K. R. (2019). Explaining Gene Expression Using Twenty-One MicroRNAs. Computational Biology Workshop at ICML 2019.
  2. Asiaee, A., Oymak, S., Coombes, K. R., & Banerjee, A. (2019). Data Enrichment: Multi-task Learning in High Dimension with Theoretical Guarantees. Adaptive and Multi-Task Learning Workshop at ICML 2019.
  3. Cho, M. H., Asiaee*, A., & Kurtek, S. (2019). Elastic Statistical Shape Analysis of Biological Structures with Case Studies: A Tutorial. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81(7), 2052–2073.


  1. Abrams, Z. B., Zucker, M., Wang, M., Asiaee Taheri, A., Abruzzo, L. V., & Coombes, K. R. (2018). Thirty biologically interpretable clusters of transcription factors distinguish cancer type. BMC Genomics, 19(1), 738.
  2. Asiaee T., A., Goel, H., Gosh, S., Yegneswaran, V., & Banerjee, A. (2018). Time Series Deinterleaving of DNS Traffic. 1st Deep Learning and Security Workshop (DLS).


  1. Asiaee T., A., Chaterjee, S., & Banerjee, A. (2016). High Dimensional Structured Estimation with Noisy Designs. 16th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 801–809.


  1. Golnari*, G., Asiaee T.*, A., Banerjee, A., & Zhang, Z.-L. (2015). Revisiting Non-Progressive Influence Models: Scalable Influence Maximization in Social Networks. 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 316–325.


  1. Asiaee T., A., Afshar, M., & Asadpour, M. (2013). Influence maximization for informed agents in collective behavior. In Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 389–402). Springer.


  1. Asiaee T., A., Tepper, M., Banerjee, A., & Sapiro, G. (2012). If you are happy and you know it... tweet. 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 1602–1606.